Lifestyle of the Punk

This is the second part of the survey EelKat has come up with to help you develope your characters! The original is here.

The Punk in Pink is a nickname becuase its not a name just a discription and she’s sick of names which seem to be as ephemerial as a desert lake – she is currently a Retro Punk DJ for a holiday company and plays regually with a band.

She would quiet like to fly a space ship on an adventure to explore the universe, pushing the horizons of humanity beyound and see the chaos that breaths order.

She absolutly can’t stand the thought of being a Politician.

She was raised by an Elf family who believed in the Rightfall dominance of the Elfen/Arien race – Aquatic Ape Rule Forever and Always but she is a Survival Anakist with neo-hippy overtones and a smattering of retro-pagan goth.

Also believes that the status of global politics is thus: Elves of one sort or another control the lot so BURN EM! BURN THEM ALL!!!!!!!

Education has been a bit mix and match resulting in 3 types of Latin, Ancient Greek, six other dead languages, 15 modern languages, maths, high tech, you name it…. She don’t do poetry though! Well ok she’s grown out of doing poetry due to an incident where she was almost burnt as a witch!

Her Hometown is Babel as in the Tower off.

Sadly she wants but can’t have children leading to extreme levels of anger and a few toasted peados who she’s caught or suspected.

The Punk likes big dogs but really wants a dragon!

Posted: Wednesday, December 16th, 2009 @ 9:01 pm
Categories: Uncategorized.
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2 Responses to “Lifestyle of the Punk”

  1. Jonathan Slaton Says:

    As a fan and adoptive father —- 1. keep toasting the peados, impaling is good also. 2. She should adopt an orphan – perhaps an Elf orphan to bring balance, or at least 2nd perspective to a world view of elves. 3. Where can she get her hands on a Dragon? A search for one & taming of same would be a story, yes?

    good luck!

  2. admin Says:

    Thankyou 🙂

    She has and will depending on where you are in her timeline – adopt kids.

    I hadn’t thought of adopting an elf child – mainly because there aren’t many of them. But it is an interesting idea!

    There will definatly be toastings and impalings.

    A dragon would add some fun – had an argument with friend about weather I should introduce other mythical creatures via the genetic engerneering side of things 🙂

    Thanks again – and I could always use that as my side story for script frenzy.

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