King Henry and his Six Wives

This old 70’s film was abit tricky to follow initially as I found it hard to work out who was King but I soon got into the swing of it! King Henry on his death bed remembers his life including his wives. It made me feel sorry for Henry and his wives – but especially Catherine Howard who was pretty much a frightened teenager.

Somehow the film felt very real and the camera angles gave a real sense of atmosphere that sucked you in – also the style of the film changed with the ageing of Henry which I liked 🙂

It did give me some insight into the bloodyness of his reign and the idea that his two duaghters where actually lucky to remain with their heads on there shoulders – something that the ploting and the like in his court could have easily brought about – with double standards and his inner court stabbing each other in the back – it was quiet enlightning!

The main thing I took away from it was that England was not functioning isolated reguardless of being an island – meaning that the Punk as Elizabeth is ‘growing up’ and inheriting a strange politcal situation from her forbears with far reaching consequences that stretch throughout Europe.

I have to say though I did find it depressing :/

Posted: Friday, December 11th, 2009 @ 10:43 pm
Categories: Uncategorized.
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