The count Down Begins

I had the fun of turning up to a write in on Wednesday and being the only on there but this was fine as I was behind and I cuaght up I wrote 5000 words in a day – the next day I did 2000 and was once again ahead of where I should have been and then the family came back and productivity stopped.

Friday and Saturday were whiped out completely ie no writing what so ever and then it was the Sunday write-in and I made it past the 40, 000 word barrier!

And I am excited – not only am I now back on track especially with todays word count added but I am on the final count down – it now looks immently possible – every 1000 words I write carves another chunk off.

I am kind of tempted to just write myself out today – I have already whittled the remaining 10 K down to more like 8 K but this has come at a structural price.

The novel so far has been progressing as one chapter in the past and one in the future, and each chapter has been 6, 000 words long – 3 posts of approximately 2, 000 words but chapter seven hiccupped, it didn’t want to be 6, 000 words and obstantly ended at 2600 approximatly. This made me said but everything that needed to happen had happened and cramming extra words into it felt somehow like sacrolage. So I decided to go with my standard maxime of – a story has a shape and a length it wants to be – that it should be and forcing it is bad news and comes out in the writing. After all it is not some school or college assingment so I have left it at that and moved on.

Also my over all chapter outline is now so departed from what I’m actually writing it is becoming a bit useless – this is due to characters appearing when they shouldn’t and stuff and yes I am letting my characters have free reing, I am letting the story form itself around the skeleton I have set down. I am doing far more fore shadowing for the rest of the series than I thought I would and generally I’m quiet chuffed with how its proceeding.

Still rather than writing all of this – I should get back to whittling the remain 8 K away to complete the nano!

Posted: Monday, November 23rd, 2009 @ 4:39 pm
Categories: Uncategorized.
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