
This film is dramatic with interesting cimatography, its a 1998 film containing loads of stars – it opens with protistants being persecuted by the Catholic Queen Mary. The 16 yr old Elizabeth is imprisioned in the Tower of London – I hadn’t realesed that Elizabeth I had spent any time in the tower so it is very fortunate that I am watching these films!

The film is bueatiful and brutal and I found myself very engaged with it.

It contains a posioned dress which was actually the inspiration for the Fire Storm mentioned in one of the future chapters of the Punk in Pink.

I liked this film even though I don’t really do historic films. But it does make me realise that The Punk being Elizabeth is going to provide far too much material to write about!

Haven’t entirely decided what to do about that.

There is also the prospect that the Queen had a relationship with Dudley this means that my character Matthew may definatly have to come to a sticky end – I had already decided that something was going to happen to him in order for the Punk to be happy to pretend to be Elizabeth in the first place.

The film showed the young queens uncertainty as well which added a depth that is often missing. Apparently there is a sequel which I should add to the love.film list – Elizabeth: The Golden Age.

The main thing I noticed though was that it contianed Dr Who (The one from 28 Days Later) and James Bond (the rough one that everybody but me finds attractive).

Posted: Sunday, January 3rd, 2010 @ 10:32 pm
Categories: Uncategorized.
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