A Bisley Boy

It was suggest a while ago now that I might want to make The Punk in Pink a transvestite or something of the ilk – initially I thought Nah no way but then I hear this poem by Angela France about a local Cotswold legend and my mind has been turning over ever since.

Apparently during the Black Death Queen Elizabeth was sort of eight years old and was evacuated to Bisley to keep her safe – but she sickened and died and those caring for her were so afeared of King Henry that they searched for another red headed child to take her place.

However, no red haired girl could be found but a boy was so they got him to be the princess!

This is why she went balled, why she started the fashion of high necked dressed and stiff corsettes to hide the fact there was a masculine body etc…

I’m not sure how this will link up entirely but some how I just know that the punk who is a woman is also going to have been this lady boy queen! So now I know there is going to be an element of the supernatural in it but what it will be I do not know.

Any suggestions would be good – though as my friend has been writing a series of books about time traveling vampires I sort of want to avoid that though it was my initial thought!

I think this puts it in a higher age bracket than I had been initially planing.

Posted: Monday, September 21st, 2009 @ 10:06 am
Categories: Uncategorized.
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One Response to “A Bisley Boy”

  1. Purple Monster » Blog Archive » An Elf Says:

    […] she was Queen Elizabeth – in fact The Punk in Pink was the Bisley boy who stood in for princess Elizabeth and then became Queen. I have also decided she is Joan of arc […]

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