Camp NaNo 2019
Set in the distant future – the Earth System has lived out a full and creative eon under the rule of Summer the Ever Living Empress but now there are just remnants left fighting for survival as the Red Giant consumes the system – remnants however that were provided with a survival plan and await the knew era as each forgets about the others out there in the murk of a dying sun.
So that is the synopsis for the current work in progress for this year – I am also attempting to sort out the entire universe and get it ready launch nicely in November this year but more on that later!
I also do Screnzy – Script Frenzy which I know doesn’t really exist anymore but is something I love doing as I work on my comic books for it – comic books are written as “scripts”. I have already made a lot of in roads on the Screnzy side of things but for a sad reason – I put together a little story zine of my dad’s cosplay adventures for his funeral which was two days ago. This is will be the first writing challenge I have done without him for quiet sometime – and it does hurt that he will never take part in it again but at the same time – pretty much the last conversation I had with him was about getting on and writing whilst we have the chance so that is what I am going to do!
Posted: Friday, April 5th, 2019 @ 9:27 am
Categories: Inspiration, Sumer, Waffle.
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