Camp NaNo 2020 – eep and ARG!!!!
I started June thinking I would plan my Camp NaNo – I was after all feeling a lot better and had even been out gardening but then on May the 16th I started to get little heart twinges and then my reactive arthritis came back – I have not suffered with it in yrs. On the pain killer I went and then a rash appeared and got worse and worse until there was emergency phone calls and pharmacies at 1 in the morning and then actual June arrived – as did the ambulance – those chest pains had got a lot worse all of a sudden.
Turns out that when you suffer a virus or infection like coronavirus it can muck your immune system up – get it over excited – well mine is over excited and attacking my thyroid of all things. I also have general inflammation. I had a whole suite of symptoms which I wont bore you with – all that really matters is that I now have to take medicine for about 18 months and be weary of infections getting out of hand as sometimes your immune system can completely close down on these medicines.
The medical problems I’ve had the last few yrs have not helped things and I don’t really know what’s happening with my vision and hearing – both of which have been affected. None the less I have started my Camp NaNo – it feels good to be writing again and it is all down to helping my youngest with learning at home – but more on that later – for I am having to pace myself with the writing and screen time and the creative writing is getting priority over blogging.
Posted: Thursday, July 2nd, 2020 @ 11:01 pm
Categories: Uncategorized.
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