The Punk in Pink – An Outline

The Punk stops at a monestry dressed as a young boy

Befriends young Henry, Catherine and Elizabeth

Saves them from a Catholic plot

Elizabeth dies

Nobles want young Henry to pretend to be the princess to get him potentially on the thrown

The Punk swaps places with him

Comes to power and moves Henry and Catherine and the Nurse maid into court

Start the explores on the hunt for New World goodies – mainly pirating Spanish ships

A few of the bits are what the Punk is looking for – artifacts that could help tell her more about her own origin

Plots – counter plots and more plots

She finds the onyx ocelot

Decieds its time to die as Elizabeth

Escape plan put into effect

New King to make UK more resillent to Europe – united with Scotland

Punk goes to live with the Gypsies she outlawed as Queen


Normal slightly in the future stuff

News that the ocelot is gone

Attempted assination

Well I have just realised I’ve got the Elizabethan part of my story sussed and the over all concept but the actual cyber punk bit is still a bit fuzzy :/ So must go and do some thinking on this! My main aim is to have equal amounts of future and past and have them alternate culminating in something that pulls both time periods together! Sigh that’s starting to sound hard 🙁

Posted: Wednesday, November 4th, 2009 @ 8:23 pm
Categories: Uncategorized.
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