Cyber Punk Outline

The Punk is settled down as a drummer and singer in a neo-punk band

Things start happening which suggest the band is being observed – they think its a corp record lable but its really a crack class of vatican assisines

They attack one of the venues

The Punk and some of the band escape

The Punk organises them into a bit of a team and they hunt down one of her caches

It’s been looted and they start trying to follow a trail

Plots, counter plots and more plots

The Punk gets the onyx ocelot back but looses it again – thinks it is destroyed but the chunks turn out to be sugar

Chases it and gets it back

Hides out in the gypsy caves

Meets up with one remaining band member who is keen on tech

Discover the hidden computer component

I haven’t quiet decided weather an Elf is going to appear or not! And I need to work out some underground conspiracy theory type stuff too! Any ideas let me know 🙂 Thanks

Posted: Thursday, November 5th, 2009 @ 9:06 am
Categories: Uncategorized.
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