Super Computer

So the Elves had a Super Computer that was basically global it has three cores and is made of optical electronics – ie fibre optic stuff which though fragile if protected could last a long time.

The Elves are used to working with glass due to the volcanoes so it was only natural that this would be the type of electronics they would pick up rather than our traditional type.

This means that their curcritry is a lot less obvious and also that if you saw the glass discs that would be the compenents/memory stuff you would probably be damaging it!

Obviously I need to delve into this side of our own technology to work out what on earth is possible etc… but each person is part of the computing system – I mean each elf and the early human slaves they had – due to head implants.

This means that the Punk will have one of these but more on that in a bit!

The archeteck who built the computer were concerned and made an off sit back-up far away from any of the volcanic islands on an old cratonic shield – a stable part of the earths crust that has little tectonic activity – ie earthquakes and volcanoes and was deep inside a large continent and thus protected somewhat from fluctuating sea levels and the like!

This is Babel (though I have found that there may actually be some proper acheology stuff that would give the Tower of Babel a specific location so I might have to change the reasoning here!). Now this computer would basically be memory stuff and wasn’t designed really as a running system so wouldn’t have the processing power of the three cores – never the less it was something the survivors could use to build a new world after the Sea Empires were destroyed!

But fearing more than this there would have been half built plans for two other back up cores and the three together would have been able to simulate the ‘home’ system but they were only partially constructed when the collapse occured.

Seeing what was coming a secret highly simplified version of the computer was hidden around the world – split up into its components by the arceteck. Multiple copies and things too.

These are the artifacts the Punk is tracking down – she is able to communicate with them from the implant in her head.

They work using alot of Lazar Light and she carries with her a special tool – a lasar pen type thing that she’s had on and off since Babel Collapsed!

Posted: Monday, December 7th, 2009 @ 10:40 am
Categories: Uncategorized.
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