
The Elves are Aquatic Apes but why did these higher primates go back into the water? The answer is that they lives on unstable volcanic islands and periodically found their world sinking into the sea. They would move onto the next island maybe living for long periods actually in the water.

The volcanos though provided a source of energy and raw materials to base industry upon!

Early on the Elves learnt that they could form the clay-ash of the volcanoes under water to form moulds – when the lava bubbled up sometimes it would fill these moulds. This would probably have started just as a game or maybe art and from it tools developed and industry begain.

A wealth of resources, unstable ground that would destroy evidence of them being there and an alternative path for tool and industrial development giving rise to different technology.


Being near such quech sites for the volcanic material would mean that glass would be a natural medium to use – this is good as it is what is needed for me to make the electronics last for the Punk to find! It also means that I can have the Elves jump straight to optical electronics rather than rehash what we have – this is good as it is the type that could actually last and the sort of thing you would embed in stone to protect it as it would be extremely fragile!

I also like this as Hephistas or Volcan was the Romano-Greek good of industry and was based in a volcano – the temperatures for metal working, smelting etc… would all be there provided for by nature 🙂

I am very excited as this fall straight into the pattern I wanted for the series as a whole!

Posted: Wednesday, December 2nd, 2009 @ 11:23 am
Categories: Uncategorized.
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