The Uploaded Mind

Why is the Computer Arceteck so worried about keeping precise back ups of the memories?

The Elves are obsessed with immortality and one of the things they have persued is uploaded concousness into their computer system – now this does bring about some thorny questions as to what concousness actually is but lets say for the sake of the story that a person is encoded in the information in their brain – the structures of the brain are important etc… what happens to this data once a person dies and the storage unit decays is an interesting question and one that may take us deep into quantum machanics – but again this is an area I need to read up on a bit more.

It also raises the question of souls and the possibility of multiple copies of people diversifying and which is the ‘real’ one etc… these should all be quiet fun to fit into the story as a whole though I doubt they will be relivant for the Punk in Pink specifically!

I also need to work out away of allowing the upgrade to computer you without invoking nanotech – the reason being that if you have advance nanotech good enough to map out the structures of the brain you give the Elves the ability to easily do alot of other things which frankly doesn’t fit with the story line!

Again I have just given myself a tonne more work to do – sigh!

If anyone knows anything relivent or good reading materials let me know – thanks 🙂

Posted: Tuesday, December 8th, 2009 @ 11:19 am
Categories: Uncategorized.
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