No Need for Nanotech!

Ok so I want the Elves to maybe have a little bit of nanotech but not advance nanotech but I also need them to be able to upload their minds and for this there are two ways I think it could be down one is to map the structures of the brain which would require very advanced nanotech to get the fineness of our brains! The other is to have something that is copying your brain as you grow!

And as the elves have advanced genetic engeerneering the fiddly bits that would otherwise require nanotech can be done by having tech with organic synapse tendril thingies – sort of a cyborg symbiont that is implanted in the babies when they are born – or possibly even in the womb/IV tank!

This would be the Punks implant as they would be the thing that would allow you to communicate with the super computer and therefore allows her to commune with the hidden componenets though out her stories!

I think its best not to have a physical socket or anything protruding from her skin becuase – a) they would have infection and injury risks plus being damaged or clogged up and b) they would result in her being burnt as a witch in lots of time periods she’s supposed to be wondering about for and c) I wont her to initially be unaware of it!

Posted: Thursday, December 10th, 2009 @ 11:31 am
Categories: Uncategorized.
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