My Writing Space to Be
During the summer I finally got a key to a little summer house thing at the top of the paddock – it belongs to my Father-in-law when he lived here but it was in no fit state to use. So during the summer and autumn me and dad have been renovating it – it was/is in a bit of a state.
The felting on the roof had gone, the floor is rotting away – it is standing on uneven dirt so the door doesn’t open without having to do a little ritual! We had to dig out a load of grass and soil to get to the door (we’ve put some paving slabs there much to Aunt-in-laws horror). We pulled the weeds out that had been growing through the walls and through the floor and then there was winter.
It has lost a pane of glass during the winter and the floor is still rotten but they should be fixable with abit of time and abit of money (we found some felt for the roof in the stable under a load of junk!) I need to save up for a new pane and some putty – the floor is going to have to wait I have old carpet which can be used to cover the floor for now (yes I know this will increase the rate of rotting but its not for ever and the entire floor will need replacing anyway!).
The moldy old deck chair is going and the small garden table and chair I use to write poetry on in the mornings is going up there – I will just have to do something else for poetry! I’m hoping it’s far enough from the house and out of the elements enough – I can just about fit a small camping heater in with me and take a thermos up there!
Of course this is all still in the future due to the fact it still keeps snowing here and there is no way I am going up there in the snow! I think I will sort of have to sneak off up there of a morning without anyone seeing me however other wise they might just come and pester me there :/
Posted: Thursday, February 18th, 2010 @ 10:19 am
Categories: Uncategorized.
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