Plot or no Plot
So I have a world for my Punk to inhabit and the Punk herself and a few plot devices but erm… I actually still have no plot – all I have is constraints 🙁
So basically I am writing this post to try and work out what’s going to happen in the story and why!
It starts in the near future – cyber punk dystopia type thung and she is being chased by bad elf minions who may or may not know what she is.
She is hunting down some Aztec/Mayan artifact brought back to the UK during the Elizabethan time period. This object is actually a piece of old tech from the days of the Great Sea Empires of the Elves ie Atlantos etc…
Part of the story is based in Elizabethan times and during the novel will tell of how she became queen with her nobles thinking she is actually a man! Obviously she has to play a double bluff which helps her cover up the fact she is not ageing.
The origonal hunt for the object begins with her basically encouraging piracy of the spanish ships full of pilfered gold from the Americas.
She recovers the object after much trial and tribulation and somehow uses it to save the day as there are evil plots afoot to wipe out humans by the bad elves.
The end
This is not enough to hang a novel off of – I have no idea what actually happens in the book :/
Any ideas – or dares that could help me with this?
Posted: Wednesday, October 14th, 2009 @ 12:27 pm
Categories: Uncategorized.
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