Chapter Ten Continued
She headed out to lunch – she was on her own – there simply was not enough of security left to do anything else. Someone had to be out on petrol annd some out on petrol, some following up cases and incidents that had been reported, someone at lost property and it was divided into three shifts anyway so they could actually all sleep. She sat in Devs it was the cheapest place around but she’d eaten there way too much in the last week and the smell of frying was starting to bother her.
It was starting to look iffy over her food budget, left the cafe and it’s micro-ecosystems of life al ah table cloths and went to the convience shop to see if they had anything that was cheaper and could tide her over for a few meals. She found some sea weed crackers and salted dried mushrooms, she bought the family snack pack and wondered about reserecting meditation technics she’d learnt – maybe then she could get away with not eating?
If there was no food her body would shut down but that wasn’t the case here – here there was lots of food and she could smell it and taste it in the air. She would fight for food if she could sense it around whilst hungry she wondered how her body would react if she tried starving it in a land of plenty? Of course she had been a slave and there had been food then but she had also ended up on the gallows for stealing food. She got back to the center finding herself wondering if she should ask Gazz how things where going with his little boy but it would just turn over his emotions and he had an effective lid on them. His wife had faded away, he only ha enough money to pay for one of them to be saved and it was all from a stupid pointlessness anyway. He was working on the islands to pay for his little boy, the Punk shuddered.
Kids, kids hurt or killed, she couldn’t have them herself but that burn was still there – something drove to children, drove her to want to well mother them she supposed. It was like she was super maternal but that didn’t work too well when you couldn’t have them and you outlived the ones you adopted. Kids they got under her skin, she risked her neck and got herself involved in blood vendetters over them.
Rookie was sitting behind the front desk with a pale red head next to him the woman sneered to match his. ‘Gazz wants you straight out on petrol so I’ve got a special treat for ya! Pooper Scooper!’ he laughed throwing her some gloves and a shovel. She looked at them non plussed. ‘Some of the holiday makers just have to bring prescous fido with them and guess who gets to clean it up!’
‘Erm… mantianance?’ she said raising her eyebrow at him, she wasn’t stupid.
‘Nah guess again.’ his grin was confident and disconcerting. She shrugged and picked the equpiment up, she wasn’t actually sure exactly what the line between mantencance and Security was on the islands and without Gazz there there was no way to check without esculating the situation. The red head smiled coyly at her, her lips where glossed gold fleck – very against regulation. The Punk found herself making a mental note to bring in her vid lenses – they looked just like contacts and flimsies at that so no one would notice but it would video everything and she had practiced her mind over matter miso-electric pulses to control the things so that she could zoom in and the like just by thought.
‘I’ll clean it up but I will also be checking the duties list when I get back you realise.’ he shrugged and threw a heavy manual at her head – why on earth they still printed the things and didn’t use say smart paper she didn’t know but she also didn’t care – he’d thrown it at her head and it was only her fast reflexes that had stopped it hurting her a lot, as it was blood trickled down from her bare shaved sides. The magenta hair was in a confining braid.
‘Dick!’ she muttered, seething. The injury would heel itself relatively quick but it could have been much worse. She stood up slowely glaring at him.
‘Well be my guest’ he said nonchantly gesturing to the book. She scooped it up as well, not taking her eyes off of the man.
‘And pray where am I actually supposed to go pooper scooping?’ she asked.
‘The rec grounds of course – the gardens and play areas.’
She nodded and left in a foul mood. why was it every generation had dicks in it? And that bitch next to him? Maybe they all needed removing from the gene pool. The thought brought her up short. There had been thoughts like that before the Nazi’s before eugenics, it was a memory that caught at her. Something to do with them she couldn’t catch it. Something about her and how she fitted into the world, she hated time to think, and cleaning up dog shit wasn’t exactly brain engaging. She sighed and decided to look at it as a nice walk in the gardens and parks – of course they where on like every level od the cruise island. She’d start at the top and work her way down, she decided. She dropped the book and snacks off at her room which was on route and headed onwards. The pine cone that was the structure of the resort island was sixty three levels above sea level on calm days. The design was a good one, it had also been designed as a UN thing to deal with refugees and to deal with the loss of agricultural land.
This one had never been used as such and was a poorer design for it, it wasn’t exactly what she would call safe to be honest but then she always left large saftey margins when she had the choice.
Posted: Friday, November 19th, 2010 @ 8:42 pm
Categories: Uncategorized.
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