Happy New Year! And Writing Challenges!

I love my writing challenges and so will be continuing with them this year though how it will go with a new born I’m not sure!

The next one in February which is WoPoWriMo – this is obviously poetry and so nothing to do with The Punk except last year I found myself writing poetry about the Tudor sisters as I was reading so much about them in research for my nano novel!

Then in April we have Script Frenzy which I’m going to be using as a work an hour a day on the Graphic Novel – this is not really what it is for but as I’m still working on the story board I’m not going to be ready to write the comic book script before hand!

The first week in May is National Write a Picture Book a Day Week – I got fantastic results from this last year! Though I couldn’t do it within the alloted time – I did get 7 picture book stories written 🙂

In the summer there is an editing drive for nano novels so hopefully I’ll be at that stage by then!

October sees GothNoWriMo were you write a gothic novel in a month – I managed this last year and hope to again though it is hard work having it just before Nano!

November is obviously Nano and Picture Book Idea month – I’m hoping not to be editing this time round as that was a brain twister!

Posted: Tuesday, January 4th, 2011 @ 2:20 pm
Categories: Uncategorized.
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