Week 1 – NaNo 16
Week 1 is done and as I have been saying to nanoing friends – I’m finding it hard to work out word counts as some is written in long hand, some is dictated on the phone, some is on blogs and some is in files on the laptop.
So unlike previous years I am trying to not care about the word count, trying not to push myself to new mad heights.
But… I am finding therefore a little bit of a slog to get started.
However, I do know that I may have underestimated how long the books are going to be! One of the chapters I wrote during Gothnowrimo to my bullet point outline is the length of a novelette! (I don’t think it is a chapter :/ )
Also I couldn’t help myself I’ve been planning Z5.
Posted: Monday, November 7th, 2016 @ 11:08 am
Categories: Waffle.
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